Why generic medicines in India are not so popular?
Admin | 01 Mar 2021
Amid the COVID pandemic, a new normal has been introduced to the country that says "BE VOCAL FOR LOCAL" with an intense message to only purchase local products and build a root of faith for our local manufacturing companies though the initiative will require ample of time to get into the phase of execution local manufacturing companies of every industry including E-commerce, Automobile, Cosmetics or E-pharma was not so reliable hence never generated the expected revenue due to brand marketing.
This time there is a ray of hope when every individual is expressing devotion and vigorous support to the nation associated with the initiative, but to gain customer trust companies need to focus on quality and proper education to the users.
Do you think India is a market of Generic Drugs?
Well, it is undeniable to say that India is the biggest manufacturing house of generic drugs and supply 18% generic medicine globally. Our country is also known as the "Pharmeasy of the world" reason being companies like Cipla, Sun pharmaceuticals etc. have footprints in our nation. Pharmaceutical companies in India continue to improve the processes in response to the increasing regulatory climate, thus enhancing automation, operating procedures and quality management systems. It involves aggressively effective quality management and quality assurance.
For Instances, Our generic medicine supply is so popular internationally that 80% of US-Doctor staff prescribe generic drugs for a speedy recovery to their patients.
To buy generic medicine and increase the sale Pan India its important to understand the customer behaviours and focus to improvise the brand presence in the market, also our government support to promote local generic drugs because the cost is quite cheaper compared to the global drugs. Nearly half of the worlds population were deprived of basic health coverage according to WHO estimates. In the same, owing to their medical bills, more than 95 million people are afflicted by poverty and almost 800 million use their household budget for the medicines to the full. India is also on this list and is filled with an abundance of generic drugs on the market.
One of the biggest reason is "LACK OF INFORMATION" among the patients in India resulting to being quite sensitive and selective while purchasing generic medicine manufactured locally and to avoid the-bridge of miss-communication some serious guidelines need to be issued by the company and government just to pass the intact knowledge of the medicine and chemical involved in it.
Prime Minister Narendra Modis recent call for doctors to aggressively prescribe generic medication to cut healthcare costs, and the possible legislation around it is the culmination of three decades of efforts to provide affordable treatment to the poor. Doctors are required to prescribe generic drugs only in government hospitals. Most of the pharmacies are now switching to keep the primary focus on generic drugs.
Ensuring availability of Quality Generic Medicines at affordable prices for all under PMBJP scheme, generic medicines app are developed by Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India (BPPI), Dept. of Pharmaceuticals, Govt. of India.
All Online generic medical store like Pharmeasy, 1MG, Medlife, Netmeds, Medbuzz etc. are keeping more focus to sell and increase the sale of generic medicines by targeting the user Pan India. Indias being a country of below poverty line we need to chant Be local and purchase local, resulting to increase the medical and financial situation of the country.